The 4th International Internship Scholarshiip Program or IIS 2018 at Informatics and Business Institute (IBI)Darmajaya.

The 4th International Internship Scholarship Program or IIS 2018 at Informatics and Business Institute (IBI) Darmajaya. This program gives an opportunity for students to get experience how to work in the international and dynamic environment to help them facing the globalization. Through this program, participants are introduced to the cultural and religion diversity as well as the social life of the fourth populated country in the world. Moreover, participants will learn about the language that is spoken by more than 250 millions of people, Bahasa Indonesia. As IBI Darmajaya is located in Lampung Province, participants will get an opportunity to learn its traditional dance as well. This year, participants will be given an opportunity to present their research paper in International Conference on Information Technology and Business (ICITB) 2018. Important Dates: Registration: 23 May – 15 August 2018 Interview : 16 – 20 August 2018 Announcement: 24 August 2018 LoA issued : 27 – 30 August 2018 Immigration/Entry permit : 28 August – 27 September 2018 (Selected countries may require specifics documents and longer process than others. Please contact our friendly staff for further information) Arrival : 29 – 31 September 2018 Program: 1 – 30 October 2018 Departure : 31 October – 1 November 2018 (The length of stay is up to 30 days). Scholarship Covers: Homestay Fee Living Allowance Industry & Tourist Spot Visit Bahasa Indonesia Course/Bahasa Indonesia for Foreigners (BIPA) Traditional Dance/Cultural Course Program Fee International Conference on Information Technology and Business We are respectfully requesting a bit of your time to distribute this information to your students or the person in charge. For further information regarding this program, kindly visit our website at and go to the menu “IIS” or visit our Facebook Fan Page on International Office IBI Darmajaya ( or instagram @iodarmajaya. Should you have any inquiries regarding our invitation, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]